What Could Be Included in a Full-Service Landscaping Maintenance Plan in West Bloomfield, MI?

Landscaping Maintenance Plan in West Bloomfield, MI?

Lawn care companies can make landscaping maintenance at your West Bloomfield, MI, home much more manageable. Some companies offer a full-service landscaping maintenance plan, which includes comprehensive services of pretty much all of your lawn care and landscaping needs. Here are some of the services that could be in these plans.

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If you want to have a healthy lawn that’s lush and vibrantly green, then having fertilization in your lawn care plan is essential. Fertilization services are often done on a strategic schedule where specific nutrients and chemicals are applied at the ideal times to ensure a strong root system and to eliminate weeds. Typically, fertilization is done in the early spring, late spring, summer, and fall.

Lawn Mowing

Professional lawn mowing services will have your lawn looking spectacular. Experienced lawn care professionals are able to mow a lawn efficiently and skillfully. They can even apply lawn striping techniques so that you have beautiful stripes throughout your lawn, which are created when the grass is rolled down in opposite directions of the adjacent rows—in effect, creating a pattern of dark and light stripes throughout your lawn. This makes for an impressive lawn,

Fine Gardening

Imagine a landscape full of beautiful seasonal displays, colorful florals, and healthy green plantings. When fine gardening is included in your landscape maintenance plan, landscaping technicians can ensure that all of your plantings are healthy and thriving.

Mulch Installation

Mulch not only looks attractive in flower beds, but it also helps lock the moisture into the soil so it doesn’t evaporate. In addition, it reduces weeds and protects against temperature changes. Mulch can take your ordinary flower beds and transform them into professional-looking works of art. A professional can make recommendations on exactly what type of mulch should be installed for your specific application.

Shrub Trimming

Landscaping companies can often help with keeping your shrubs trimmed and well-manicured. This includes pruning and deadheading services. This helps shrubs thrive and encourages new growth.

Seasonal Services

Some landscaping companies offer seasonal services such as planting annuals and designing and installing color displays. They can also aerate your lawn, which involves removing small plugs of grass and soil from the ground so that water and nutrients can reach the root system more easily. In addition, some companies can even do your holiday decorating on the exterior of your home.

Spring & Fall Cleanup

In the springtime, a landscape maintenance company can also clean up your lawn and landscape. This often involves raking the lawn to remove dead grass, pruning dead parts of plants, and removing dead leaves, sticks, and any other debris that has accumulated in your front and backyard during the winter season. This prepares your lawn and landscape for the warmer weather and growing season ahead.

In the fall, they can help with many of these same tasks, such as raking dead leaves and removing any dead parts of plantings. This will help ensure that your lawn and landscape are in the proper condition over the winter months so that they will thrive in the springtime.

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